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Sunrise over Mountains


                                     Recover with us! 


Here at the XChange we would like to be an added support in all your recovery needs!


We believe that all individuals are entitled an opportunity to recover from addiction and past traumas. We would love to be a part of your Recovery Journey.  Come in today to talk face to face with a Certified Peer Counselor or Recovery Coach to walk your Recovery Journey with you! Our Certified Peer Counselors and Recovery Coaches have lived experience in over coming addiction and trauma to live happy and whole lives! We’re here for you, YOU’RE NOT ALONE! 

Meet with a Certified Peer Counselor or Recovery Coach today who can assist you with:

  • Goal Setting

  • Life Mapping

  • Plug into Resources: We have a list of resources in Clark County and surrounding areas

  • Share their lived experience , and how they over came their obstacles

We want to customize a game plan for your recovery, what do you want to accomplish? Let us know and let us see how we can assist you! We are here to be your biggest cheerleaders!

We also believe that Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous can be a major part of many’s recovery! Click below for meeting schedules:

Do you need help?

 XChange Peer Delivered Services offers an  array of support options for individuals seeking something different. Individuals enrolled in our program work with a team of Peer Support Specialists, who have lived experience of mental health, addiction, or houselssness challenges. They have made a commitment to their own recovery, have been specially trained and certified, and are willing to walk beside and support individuals navigating life's obstacles.  Click below to apply for peer support for you or someone you know!

What is Peer Support?

Peer Support is a peer recovery practice involving listening, mutual learning, respect and hope. Peer Support happens when someone who has been there comes alongside a person to listen and accompany them, providing connection and context for each person's unique Recovery Journey. 


Those who provide authentic Peer Support believe in recovery and work to promote these values:


  • Recovery is a choice

  • Recovery is unique to the individual

  • Recovery is a journey not a destination

  • Focusing on strengths allows a person to recognize their potential and to make new choices

  • Self-directed recovery is possible for everyone, with or without professional help (including the help of peer specialists or peer providers)


Healing and growing are natural. Let us walk with you along the way. 


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