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Discover those who got to the other side: where they were, what inspired them to change, and how they did it. You or your loved one can, too.
MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) Program works!
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And Here!

I came to The XChange in February of 2018.
I had some traumatic things happen in my life, and I turned to alcohol to cope. Coming to The XChange was the best decision I have ever made.
I was greeted with open arms and was completely supported in my recovery. Praise God I found the help that I needed and the love and support I needed not only for me but for my children.
The XChange allowed me to build a foundation for my life. The tools I learned in this program, I continue to use today. I have an amazing life today and I owe it all to God, The XChange and Alcoholics Anonymous.
30 years of drinking and using landed me in the hell that some call Delta Park. After a few years of battling the elements, eating out of dumpsters and going to jail, I was ready for change but I didn’t think that a normal life was for me.
The XChange's Wendy found me one day and asked me if I wanted to try something different. Yes, I did. I was literally dropped off at the doorstep of the Gabriel house with two black eyes, no shirt and no hope.
The men there welcomed me in with open arms. They gave me a bed to sleep in. I slept on the floor that night as I hadn’t been inside in a long time, nor did I feel worthy of anything comfortable. I awoke to loud laughing, when I went down stairs that morning the men were all shouting how Jesus had changed their lives. These guys were saying that they had a solution to their problems, and that their solution could work for me too.
As the guys circled up to pray and invited me to join, I was embarrassed to stand in front of God and these men because of all the bad things I’d done. Besides the only praying I had ever done was on the cold hard concrete of a jail cell floor, or at a toilet after too many 40’s.
The men asked if I could pray for anything what would I pray for? So I asked God for some tobacco. Later that day I found a pound of tobacco and rolling papers on the bed.
At church that night I went to the altar in front of hundreds of people I did not know and asked for help from this Jesus dude. And that’s exactly what I was given. The XChange taught me how to surrender my will to God and be proactive in saving my own ass.
I didn’t even know how to fold clothes but [The XChange's] Mom taught me that, I didn’t know how to treat people and [The XChange's Papa Bear] P.B. showed me that. The Xchange was there for me through the good and the bad.
I am on fire for God today because I was given grace. And because of God, the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and The XChange I am able to give back to the community I once burned down. I lead other men to the solution at the XChange because it works, and I will be forever grateful.

I struggled with alcoholism for over 10 years to the point of divorce, losing my kids, lost the ability to hold down a job, and near homelessness.
With the help of XChange recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous I have turned my life around. Not only has the obsession of alcohol been lifted, by continuing to work a program of recovery I have my son back in my life living with me full time in the Men and Children House at XChange Recovery.
With the help and guidance that XChange Recovery offers, I was able to get my license back after 5 years. I continue to take advantage of what the program offers through classes and opportunities.
I now work for XChange as a Certified Peer Counselor and look to help others find the lives they want for themselves.
I have been in long term recovery from drugs and alcohol since 6/25/2016.
I spent over 20 years in active addiction to alcohol and meth, which led countless trips to jail, Child Protective Services getting involved, being homeless and estranging me from family.
When I was able to start my journey with XChange, I began building a strong foundation in the recovery community through the help of the local Alcoholics Anonymous community and outpatient treatment services.
Now, I am a dedicated Peer Support Counselor, focused on Hospital Outreach, who strives to bring anyone hope by walking alongside me.